Carmen Wildy, Secretary/Treasurer and Hostess Extraordinaire loves taking care of family and friends. She and Brooke shared a love for all things water. They would float in the pool and “solve the world’s problems”. The beach was their happy place, and they would spend hours just soaking up the sun. Carmen is the proud wife of Marshall and the oh-so-awesome mom of Ethan Green, and Sydney and Kathryn Wildy. She’s also dog-mom to Sammy, Blu, and Dibs. Carmen is grateful to have grown up in the small and supportive community of Manila, Arkansas. Carmen works at Emerson Funeral Home and has been with the Emerson family since 1997. She and Marshall are active members af Christian Valley Christian Church.
Carmen’s very first memory of Brooke is when they were all volunteering to move Bootcamp from one location to another. They’d all had a very busy morning and not much time to talk to anyone. At lunch they all met back up in the parking lot and Brooke and Jon were eating the largest sonic blasts the you could buy. Carmen knew right away that they didn’t play around. Their friendship took off from there and never slowed down. Not surprising at all, Carmen’s last memories with Brooke were full of fun:
“In the last two weekends we went Memphis to see Pretty Woman at the Orpheum and met up with my cousins and friends at Loflin Yard! Our last weekend we went to watch Berkeley play volleyball in Batesville, went out to eat and laughed all the way home! I will never forget us hugging and saying I love you! We always left each other saying I love you or ending texts with I love you!”